Introduction to the Prison Industrial Complex Workshop - Oct 13th!

Introduction to the Prison Industrial Complex
October 13, 2012

Steger Student Life Center, 6th Floor Lounge

Join us for a presentation of the Chicago Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) Teaching Collective's introductory workshop on the prison industrial complex.

Throughout the four-hour training, we'll:

  • Define "prison industrial complex" (PIC) and our personal connections with it;
  • Explore the current structure of the PIC in the US and the timeline that led to it;
  • Explore ways to relate with people in PIC, including those directly employed in it, leading it, and incarcerated in it;
  • Identify previous organized responses and ways in which we can each work to positively impact the PIC.
All are welcome at this workshop!  Light refreshments provided.

For more information on the Chicago PIC Teaching Collective:

For more on this program, contact Rebecca Lehman or Brendon Richey (both listed as administrators for the event).