Art of Living: A Creativity Retreat for Women - Nov 16th-18th!

From Grailville:

Art of Living:
A Creativity Retreat for Women
November 16-18, 2012

Make your life into ART!
Join visual artist Diane Debevec, dancer Gloria Esenwein and poet Pauletta Hansel in a retreat meant to to interweave visual arts, movement, writing and singing as pathways to self-healing, creative expression and personal transformation. The Art of Living will include time for individual and group creative explorations, rest and reflection, and connecting with other women.

Facilitators are:
· Diane Debevec, a Cincinnati artist specializing in oil and pastel painting, as well as paintings and drawings in a variety of mediums for private and commissioned sale. Diane teaches workshops and classes to a wide spectrum of participants, from novices to professionals. As a teacher, she is known for both her passion and her patience.
· Gloria Esenwein, a dancer/performer, choreographer and educator, has taught and led movement and dance classes/workshops for over 20 years. Her choreography often combines personal story with movement and life's HUMOR. Gloria's movement work with residents of healthcare facilities and her study of movement and massage inform her teaching. She appreciates that each of us learns in highly individualistic ways and she enjoys discovering what works for her students.
· Pauletta Hansel, MFA, a poet, teacher and author of four collections of poetry, Divining (WovenWord Press), First Person (Dos Madres Press), What I Did There (Dos Madres Press) and The Lives we Live in Houses (forthcoming from Wind Publications). Pauletta directs Grailville's Practice of Poetry program, intended to help women find new meaning in our experiences, and make room for both inspiration and careful discernment in our spiritual and creative lives.

Past participants have said:
"This weekend has helped me to get reacquainted with my inner artist!"
"I ecstatically appreciate the time to be 100% art."
"It was perfect in a way nothing is ever perfect."

Give yourself the gift of time and community. Go deep. Play hard. Reconnect with the artist within. Whether you already engage in a regular practice of creative expression or only wish you did, this retreat is for you!
The fee is $300 for single occupancy and $250 for double occupancy. Participation as a commuter ($200) is also available, although we encourage women to stay at Grailville in order to really retreat. Reservations are required. Some scholarships are available. For more information or to register, click here or contact (513) 683-2340.