Beginning this January, Jamieson will be transitioning to the Accelerating Racial Justice (ARJ) student worker and Jojo Azevedo will be coming on board to work with reshaping RAPPORT.
Jojo is a familiar face in RAPP! He is a senior in Communication and just returned from a semester-long study abroad in Japan. He is an alum of RAPP XXIV, Peer Leader with RAPP XXVI, student Facilitator with RAPP XXVII, worked on the committee that created ARJ and its curricula, served as student Facilitator for the pilot run of ARJ 2012, and has been in the Social Justice League since it began in 2010. Not to mention his work as a recruitment leader, his commercial and other creative videos for RAPP, his volunteering at the 25 Year Reunion, his emphasis on community building, and general work to keep the RAPP Office open and accessible have greatly benefited RAPP.
In other words, his contributions to RAPP are great and he is an ideal person to help reshape our impact through RAPPORT! Welcome back, Jojo!