You and the student organizations that you work with are invited to join us by participating as a conference presenter for the 28th Annual Student Leadership Conference on Saturday, February 23rd from 8:30am to 4pm. Proposal submissions are due December 3rd, 2012. See the attached document for details. Please also invite your students to join us at the conference. Registration will open January 7th, 2013.
Last year’s conference brought almost 250 participants and included presentations by invited guests, alumni, students, and faculty/staff.
This one-day leadership conference focuses on building individual student leader skills and connections. This year will include energetic opening and closing sessions, lunch, a keynote, and nearly three dozen education programs focusing on community service, philanthropy, student organization funding, risk management, public speaking, campus scheduling, professional development, and more.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Terri Hurdle ( or myself.