Cincinnati GLSEN Looking for Leaders for Jump-Start Student Leadership Team!

From GLSEN Cincinnati:
Join Our Jump-Start Student Leadership Team!!
Dear Student Organizer,
If you are a High School student and interested in joining a regional leadership GSA - apply to join the GLSEN Greater Cincinnati Jump-Start Leadership Team! Apply online here or by clicking the image below by Friday, November 2, 2012. If you are not a current student, please share this with a high school student leader and encourage them to apply.
Our Jump-Start Student Leadership Team is composed of bright, energetic, fun, and dedicated student leaders who are committed to making their schools safer for ALL students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. To achieve this goal, our team organizes educational programs and events in the community to promote inclusion, safety, and respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and ally students. Being part of the team is an excellent way to meet other students that share your passion for organizing and participation looks great on a college application!!
Contact education@glsencincinnati.orgif you have any questions about Jump Start.