Upcoming Faculty Led Study Abroad Tours

From UC International:

Upcoming Faculty Led Study Tours
Apply soon!  There are several upcoming short term study abroad opportunities in several exciting destinations. For more detail, check the websites and the information posted at the end of this message.
Legacies and Landscapes of Yucatan “Be there when the world ends” - December 14-22, 2012 
Exploring Public Health in Ghana (PMM 6001) - Spring Break 2013http://www.uc.edu/webapps/ucosmic/programs/detail.aspx?id=142
Health Education in Belize - March 16-24, Spring Break '13
ASIA 261 Study Abroad Japan - approx April 30-May 9, 2013
Israel & Jordan: the Ancient and Modern (15JUDC350) - May 2013 (exact dates tbd)