Faculty & Staff - Register Now for "Creating a Gender-Inclusive Campus" Webinar

From UC News:

Faculty and Staff: Register Now For Informative Webinar

As part of the larger LGBT History month celebrations at UC, the LGBTQ Center & RAPP are partnering to host a campus showing of the webinar, 'Creating a Gender-Inclusive Campus.'

Date: 10/15/2012 12:00:00 AM
By: Rebecca Lehman
Phone: (513) 556-6119

UC ingot   UC faculty and staff are invited to the webinar, “Creating a Gender-Inclusive Campus,” which takes place from 1-2:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 29, in Room 425 of Tangeman University Center. 

The LGBTQ Center (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Center) and RAPP (Racial Awareness Program) invite UC faculty and staff to build their knowledge and skills around supporting and meeting the needs of trans individuals and creating a more gender-inclusive campus.  

This program will discuss complex ways that students understand and express their gender and best practices and policies in areas such as housing, facilities, health services, student activities, athletics and admissions.

An RSVP is required to attend. Click here for registration and more information.