Programs Abroad Expo - Weds., October 3rd from 10-2 on Bearcat Plaza – We are seeking volunteers!
This is your chance to do “one stop shopping” for education abroad opportunities on one day. Around 50 booths representing programs in more than 50 countries will be featured in the University of Cincinnati’s Programs Abroad Expo. The annual expo, sponsored by UC International Programs will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3rd on Bearcat Plaza between TUC and the rec center (rain location: TUC atrium).
UC students will have the chance to learn about UC programs offering overseas study as well as programs offered by other organizations and partner universities. There will also be information about financial aid and scholarships that can be used to help cover program expenses such as the UC International Programs Student Grant, which has increased funding to over $450,000 given away annually. Door prizes will also be given away in random drawings.
Student volunteers are needed to make this event a success! If you can offer an hour or two of your time assisting the representatives at their tables or volunteering at other tasks, please click here to sign up to volunteer:
Expo volunteers will get a free t-shirt. Volunteer hours can count toward Cincinnatus and other community service requirements and can also fulfill UC International Grant outreach project requirements.