Here's what that is, according to the SI website:
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions for students in "historically difficult courses" — courses in subjects with a high rate of D or F grades and withdrawals. SI is provided for all students who want to improve their understanding of the course material and improve their grades.
These review sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders, who are students who demonstrated success in the topic and are trained to facilitate students' learning in these review sessions.
The week before classes start, these SI Leaders participant in a multi-day training. One of the topics was Diversity & Cultural Competence. RAPP staff got to spend an hour in discussion with the group as we explored how diversity & cultural competence relates to their SI Leader role, defined diversity at UC and how we are each a part of it, and played with five key skills of inclusive leadership that can enhance their work and growth in their role.