I am a doctoral student at Western Michigan University studying counseling psychology. I am conducting research for my dissertation about second generation Southeast Asian Americans’ experience of interracial partnerships with White European Americans. This is a new area of research in which I am eager to learn more about what it is like for second generation Southeast Asian Americans to be in a relationship with a partner of White European American background.
I am also interested in how factors related to being a second generation Southeast Asian American influence one’s experience of the partnership.
I am looking for participants who meet the following criteria:
- Identify as Southeast Asian American of Cambodian, Vietnamese, and/or Hmong/Mien heritage.
- Both parents are Southeast Asian refugees of Cambodian, Vietnamese, and/or Hmong/Mien heritage. By refugee, I refer to individuals who left their home country due to dangerous and/or persecutory circumstances.
- Are at least 18 years of age.
- Were born in the United States.
- Are currently in a committed interracial partnership (dating, cohabitating, or married) with a White European American and have been in this partnership for at least one year.
If you know any individuals who fit these criteria and who may be interested in participating in this research, please forward the attached recruitment document. It contains an invitation and information about how this study will be conducted. Also, feel free to post and/or forward this invitation to any relevant newsletters or websites, print the invitation and post it as a flyer, or to make copies for distribution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email (sophia.k.rath@wmich.edu) or phone (269.870.0778).
Thank you for your time and support,
Sophia K. Rath-Targowski, M.S.
Doctoral Student Researcher
Western Michigan University
Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology