ARC continues to present groundbreaking research this summer! The upcoming “Good Food and Good Jobs for All” report highlights innovations at the intersection of the good food and good jobs movements. Find out more about building healthy communities with our free webinar next Thursday, July 12 at 10am PT/1pm ET.
Access to healthy and sustainable food is linked to jobs that pay living wages. Yet the movement for good food sometimes leaves out crucial factors for low-income communities of color, such as wages, immigration status, and enforcement of safe working and living conditions. Similarly, many labor advocates don't address how and why food security and land sovereignty relate to their struggles for workers.
Presenters include ARC's Senior Research Associate and report author Yvonne Liu, Liana Foxvog, Director of Organizing and Communications at International Labor Rights Forum, and Jose Oliva, Program Director at ROC United. ARC's Research Director Dom Apollon will moderate.

We hope you’ll join us next week for this free webinar! For more information, visit |