Apply for Accelerating Racial Justice - Because You Can't Do RAPP's the Nine-Month

Throughout our twenty-six years at UC, RAPP's main program has been our academic year-long program.  In budgetary lean times, it's the core we keep alive.  It's arguably the origin of intergroup dialogue.  It's dynamic and ever evolving, ever improving.
It's also inaccessible to lots of students.

Under semesters, this will be even more so an issue.  Previously, we were relatively easily able to accommodate folks who co-oped or interned out-of-town for a quarter.  Now that they'd be out for half the year instead of a third, we're much less able to do this.

This year, we're moving back to having one group of 35 that meets throughout the year instead of two groups (which RAPP has had for the last four years and a total of six of our twenty-six years).  This means there's only one night for meetings:  Wednesday.

So, if you co-op/intern out of the city and/or are busy on Wednesdays, the nine-month program is not an option for you.

Don't worry - because Accelerating Racial Justice hopefully IS an option for you!

Accelerating Racial Justice is RAPP's new five-day, four-night intensive.  For a week, you'll build community while enhancing your knowledge and skills around racial justice and inclusive leadership.

The intensive runs Monday, August 13th to Friday, August 17th.  Transportation to and from the retreat as well as meals, lodging, and supplies are provided at no charge to participants.  The only cost to you is your time!

Apply now for Accelerating Racial Justice!  Applications are due by 5PM on Friday, June 15th!

Not available for a year-long program? No problem!  Spend a free week with us at Grailville Retreat Center through Accelerating Racial Justice!

How to ApplyThere are two steps to apply for this life-changing program:
  1. Read the Information for Potential Applicants.  This piece is designed to cover the common questions people may have about Accelerating Racial Justice to help you decide if it's what you're looking for.
  2. Complete a written application.  This application gathers basic information from candidates.  Information on how to access the application is available in the Information for Potential Applicants, which you are expected to read before completing a written application.
Please contact Rebecca Lehman at or 513.556.6119 with any questions you may have.