Beyond IQ: Developing and Applying Emotional Intelligence Strategies
3-4 credits (students can register for 4 hours if their schedule allows)
Tuesdays 8:30 – 10:50 am and Thursdays 9:30 – 10:50 am (we’ll leave campus at 9 on Thursdays to arrive at the elementary school by 9:30)
Instructors: Gail Kiley, Chris Lottman, and Jen Lile
Course description:
Research indicates that Emotional Intelligence can be measured, can be developed over our life spans, and can have a significant impact on both academic success and life success and happiness in general. In this course students will:
-Learn foundational knowledge about Emotional Intelligence (e.g., history, current trends, existing measures, controversies, comparisons to IQ)
-Assess their current levels of Emotional Intelligence and develop and implement specific plans for growth and progress during the semester and beyond
-Learn and actively use five key emotional literacy skills
-Develop leadership capabilities and the skills inherent in engaging with others
-Teach Emotional Intelligence skills and competencies to Cincinnati Public School students
*Important notes: Beginning the third week of the semester, this class will meet once each week at the elementary school. We will arrange transportation for everyone--a car is not required. Additionally, all students in the class will need to undergo a paper background check in order to volunteer at the public school. The instructors will provide more detail after registration.
Eligibility requirements: Students must have a minimum cumulative University GPA of 3.4. This class is open to all majors and all years.
To receive permission to register, please contact Jen Lile at or 513-556-1003.