What's Race Got to Do With It? - Apr 5th!

From Cincinnati Public Allies:
What’s Race Got to Do With It is a conversation hosted by social justice organizations, BRIDGES and Public Allies, designed to offer a venue for dialogue around the myriad of issues related to race and class as manifested in the recent local and national events of violence. The death of an unarmed black male, Trayvon Martin, and the freedom of the assailant bring to mind the long history of socially sanctioned violence that is at the core of American race relations, and millions of people around the world have marched for justice on his behalf.

According to BRIDGES’ news release, in lieu of equally disparaging local incidents of violence toward children, this dialogue will examine the educational, cultural and social disparities that stem from issues of race and class, and how these issues affect a child’s ability to succeed. Strategic partners include Serve Ohio, Strive Partnership, The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and others.

Special Guest Speakers: Law Enforcement and Behavioral Specialists including Dr. Keith Vukasinovic, clinical counselor; Capt. Gary Lee, Cincinnati Police Department, Dorothy Smoot, Executive Director of the Community Police Partnering Center and Vice President of Youth Services for the Urban League of Greater Cincinnati, Cheryl Meadows, retired Executive Director of the Cincinnati Human Relations Council, and other behavioral and educational specialists.

Where: Woodward High School, 7005 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45237
When: Thursday, April 5 6:00-8pm