Save the Date for MainStreet Stride on May 18th!

From UC News:

Save the Date For the MainStreet Stride on May 18

Join us at the 7th Annual MainStreet Stride, with this year’s Grand Marshals: the women’s volleyball and men’s basketball teams.

Date: 4/3/2012 11:00:00 AM
By: Victoria Rogers

UC ingot   The 2012 MainStreet Stride
The MainStreet Stride is a campus tradition – a springtime foot parade of red and black. Student organizations, as well as students, faculty and staff representing offices across the university dress up in their best (and often most creative) red-and-black getups to parade their pride through campus.
The parade begins at noon on Friday, May 18, on the plaza at University Pavilion, and proceeds down MainStreet to Campus Green. There will be a free picnic in front of the Myers Alumni Center immediately after the parade, featuring a performance by the UC Bearcats Band, awards, and Student Government Inauguration.
2012 MainStreet Stride Superhero

Judges:Rohan Hemani       2011 Homecoming King
Chizi Igwe             2011 Homecoming Queen
Frank Bowen        Assoc VP, Dean of Students
Greg Hand            Assoc VP, University Spokesperson
Michael Cureton   Chief of Police, UCPD

Awards: Most Spirited           Faculty/Staff and Student Group
Most Creative          Faculty/Staff and Student Group
President’s Choice   Faculty/Staff and Student Group

Join us – and don't forget to wear red and black!

To view this year's animated invitation featuring the Bearcat as UC’s superhero, view photos from past Strides, and RSVP for your department or group, go to