Participants Needed for Online Survey on Cross-Generational Communication - Please Complete by Apr 9th!

From a UC colleague:

I am planning a presentation on cross-generation communication and work for this year’s diversity conference.  I have created a brief survey in the hopes that I can gather responses from as many students, staff members and faculty as possible.  Feel free to forward the survey to colleagues and students who may be interested in giving feedback. 

I am interested in getting information from people of all ages.  The only stipulation I have is that responders should be students, staff or faculty at a college or university.  

I would like to get responses by Sunday, April 9th so I can begin review of the data on Monday, April 10th.  All information received is anonymous. 

Here is the survey link:
Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks in advance for your help.
Maggy Fogler, Assistant Director of Resident Education and Development