Ways to Support Tornado Survivors in the Region

From the Center for Service Learning & Civic Engagement:
What a difference a day makes! I am certain that much more information will be available by local and state offices today. While area businesses, nonprofits, individuals and many faith-based organizations are pitching in to help, it seems as if some of the largest efforts are by Red Cross, Matthew 25 and in the Clermont County area, the Boys & Girls Clubs.
I urge you to also consider the many area food pantries which will surely need extra donations for the long haul. (Dollars stretch much farther than non-perishable food products because of the purchase power of food banks.)

Thanks to so many of you for sharing ideas and information, for donating time, energy and funds to help our neighbors get back on their feet.

Here is more information compiled from various news and community resources. I hope that you'll share it as necessary. 

WCPO: http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/local_news/red-cross-accepting-donations-for-storm-victims


WXIX: http://www.fox19.com/story/17075357/oraganizations-reach-out-to-help-the-victims-of-fridays-storms
The Cincinnati Red Cross is accepting donations to help storm victims in the Tri-State.
From Boys & Girls Clubs of Clermont County:
Tornado victims in Moscow, Ohio need our help. The Boys & Girls Club of Clermont County, as the closest intact available building with enough space, is serving as a donation and distribution center for needed items. If you can help, please see the list below of needed items. Please DO NOT bring anything except what is on the list. Space is limited and these are the only things needed at this time. Other items cannot be accepted. Deliver items to the Boys & Girls Club at the address below on Monday through Wednesday, March 5, 6, and 7th, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The tornado victims include families of Boys & Girls Club members. Imagine how frightened those children are! On their behalf, THANK YOU for helping!!!
Please do not take any more clothes there. No furniture, no house wares. What's really needed is clean up stuff: rakes, shovels, garbage bags, more rakes!! NEW blankets and NEW baby supplies. No other clothes or household goods. They definitely need personal care items (shampoo, etc.).  Thanks to all who have donated for caring so much!!

Deliver items to The Boys & Girls Club of Clermont County Teen Center, 213 Union Street, New Richmond, OH

Items being accepted:

Rakes, shovels, trash bags, trashcans

Cases of bottled water, gallon jugs of distilled water

Baby blankets (new only please!), baby food, baby bottles, formula, diapers

Bottles of bleach, disinfectant cleaning supplies, brooms, buckets
Personal care items (shampoo, etc.)
From Jaime McCauley via Kim Jacobs-Beck:
For my friends who live/work in Clermont and/or know people in the area: Please get this to the people in the Clermont County Area who were renting homes and lost them due to the tornado. ABCAP Housing has a Homeless Prevention/Rapid Rehousing program that may be able to help with first months rent and security deposit for another place. They will be open on Monday and people can call them at 1-800-553-7393, ext. 256, ext. 285 or ext. 262. Please give them this number to call us. We may be able to help these people a little.
From Rebecca Reynolds:
Clermont Helping Disaster Victims http://www.clermontcountyohio.gov/nr0312djfs.aspx
If you go to the Clermont County Fair Facebook page, you'll find a list of needed items for relief efforts
Please share other needs and resources with me as you learn about them so that I can pass along the information to those who are interested.