RAPP Working Group Up & Running

This past Thursday, March 15th, a group of Bearcats from throughout UC's community came together for the first of four Working Group meetings to guide RAPP through our upcoming programming transition.

The group got acquainted, spent time defining racial justice & inclusive leadership, then tackled some big questions for our work over the next few meetings.

This working group is laying the foundation for RAPP's 2012-13 programming transition.  We'll continue offering our core 9-month program but with only one group of 35 students (for the last four years we've offered two concurrent groups of up to 35).  Instead of that second 9-month group, RAPP will offer a 5-day racial justice & inclusive leadership intensive - hopefully running the pilot program of it this August.

The next Working Group meeting is tomorrow, March 20th, from 5:30-7:30.  Please contact Rebecca if you're interested in joining us!
About half of the working group posed for a post-meeting picture.