UC Blue Ash Service-Learning Student Expo - Apr 19th!

This is a reminder email that for the first time in its history, UC Blue Ash will hold a Service-Learning Student Expo to exhibit our students’ service-learning community work. The expo will be on April 19th 2012, in the Muntz lobby and corridors. 

Although many of our students are working in the community as part of a service-learning course or course component, we seldom know, college-wide, what they have been doing. This expo will provide an opportunity for students to see what their peers are accomplishing in the community. Additionally, it will allow faculty and staff to inform ourselves about our students’ work.

As you wrap up your service-learning course in the winter quarter please remind your students of this opportunity for them to present their work. As you begin preparing for the spring quarter, please consider including a poster presentation assignment as part of the course requirements and please encourage your students to present at the expo.

We will provide certificates of participation for students presenting and we are looking in to a prize for “best poster.”

We’re excited to offer this venue to display students’ service-learning community work. We hope that you see this as an opportunity to support your students in promoting their work to other students, faculty, staff, and community partners.

(For the purposes of this expo, we are using the UC definition of service-learning, ” Service Learning (SL) is a specially designed learning experience in which students combine reflection with structured participation in community-based projects to achieve specified learning outcomes as part of an academic course and/or program requirement. By participating in academic community partnerships at the local, national, or international level, students gain a richer mastery of course content, enhance their sense of civic responsibility, and ultimately develop a more integrated approach to understanding the relationship between theory, practice, ideas, values, and community.” http://www.uc.edu/propractice/service-learning.html)