Trans*101 with JAC Stringer - March 10, 2012 at 1 pm
Join us at the Center for an afternoon of education and conversation. All are welcome to come. See calendar: "Gender is connected to every aspect of our lives; our identities, our sexualities, and how we experience the world. This workshop sorts out the mass of labels, terms, and theories surrounding gender through the experiences and language of trans* / gender non-conforming communities. We will ask why we think about gender, how culture and practices interact with and affect trans* people today, and find commonalities that will help us build a more inclusive, just community." JAC Stringer, also known as Midwest GenderQueer, is a trans genderqueer femme radical activist, writer, and performance artist from Cincinnati, Ohio. JAC has lectured and performed across the USA and Canada with his work focusing trans* and queer education, social justice, femme identities, (dis)ability, and trans*/queer artistry. JAC is the founding director of The Midwest Trans* and Queer Wellness Initiative and has founded several projects including Cincinnati Trans* Community Group, GenderBloc, and the Queer Canon Zine, He is a member of several organizing boards including TransOhio, The Philadelphia Transgender Health Conference, The Greater Cincinnati Youth Summit, The International Femme Conference, and The International Drag King Community Extravaganza. JAC is a life-long dancer, poet, musician, and rabble-rouser whose work’s purpose is to generate unity, action, and empowerment and achieve rights and recognition for trans* and queer communities through education, art, and other various forms of revolution. |
4119 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223