Precious Cargo
Ernestine White

Compiled by Njabulo Ngobese
"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion" - Martha Graham, American Choreographer.
Ernestine is currently the exhibition coordinator-curator for the Parliamentary Millennium Project at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa.
Her elements of life
Chantel Erfort
Face full and bright like the moon
Her dreams fly across the sky
Before bad dreams gather like clouds.
And yesterday she was just 8 years old
Now face full and bright like fire
Her eyes dart across the room
Before tears well like water
And yesterday she was just 8 years old
Now face full but not
Dulls into anger as she cries.
Ekuqakatheke ePilwenakhe
IsiNdebele translation: F Mahlangu
Ubuso obumomothekako ebuphazima njengenyezi
Amabhudango wakhe aphapha hlangana nesibhakabhaka
Ngaphambi kobana amabhudango amambi angahlangana njengamafu
Izolo lokhu ubeneminyaka ebu-8
Gadesi ubuso obumomomothekako buphazima njengomlilo
Amehlwakhe agijima kilo loke ikamero
Ngaphambi kobana iinyembezi ziwe njengamanzi
Izolo lokhu ubeneminyaka ebu-8
Gadesi ubuso buyamamatheka kodwana
Bukhombisa ilaka nakalilako
A Brief Biography of Chantel Erfort
Chantel Erfort is a writer, assistant editor at Cape Community Newspapers, co-foudner of a community arts projct the COLOUR: Spirit of the Flats, and co-owner of the community-based record label, DALA FLAT MUSIC. She oversees the DALA FLAT MUSIC’s 38 Special Words and Music project and is in the process of completing her first book The Meditation and Maths of Leaving, a compilation of short stories, poetry and letters to a long-lost friend.
At all times through her writing, Chantel strives to maintain and uphold the ethos of social upliftment through the arts as expressed by the DALA FLAT MUSIC and the COLOUR: Spirit of the Flats. Her work has been published in Women Flashing, a compilation of Flash Fiction by South African women writers (2005).