Born To Raise A Man
Nontobeko Ntombela

Compiled by Njabulo Ngobese
Born in 1982 at Empangeni, Nontobeko Ntombela, now living and working in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal is a Fine Art graduate of the Durban University of Technology. She has been actively involved in both arts administration and practising art and has been part of successful art events such as the recent exhibition titled 'Negotiated Space' a travelling show by Ntombela and Bronwen Vaughan-Evans amongst others.
Nontobeko has worked with a number of organisations including Art for Humanity, BAT Centre Trust, Community Art Project, Young People for Change, Amafa/heritage KwaZulu-Natal and now at the Durban University of Technology as the Gallery Curator.
Born to Raise a Man
Bandile Gumbi
Son of my sister
My son
The ambers of resistance
Are now sown
In the flicker of your eyes
I leave this story
To mould
The man born of woman
Son of my sister
My son
You who was conceived
When freedom was an embryo
Born at the wake
Of yet another revolution
The burden of your future
Is in the hands
That will raise you
You who will take root
When another imperialist power
Is in the market for your identity
When destruction
Does not come only in nuclear weaponry
But feed to all your senses
Filling some with senselessness
Son of my sister
My son
I don’t aim
To define your manhood
But to nurture the women in your genes
Their strength shall complete your initiation
To a world of mudslides
And volcanic ramblings
May your walk in dignity
Your birth-right
Bend only to guide your step
Never to compromise your principles
Son of my sister
My son
I pray for your hands
Never to be raised in anger
But in exhilaration
As you conquer
Yet another stumbling block
May your dreams be filled with guiding force
At the depth of your youthful confusion
To usher you to clarity
Son of my sister
My son
You whose born of women.
For Tumisa on his 1st Birthday
Wazalelwa Indoda
IsiZulu translation of poem extract: Bandile Gumbi
Ndodana kadadewethu
ndodana yami.
Wena owabambwa
Inkululeko isayumbungu
Wazalwa ngasikhathi somunye umbangazwe
lisezandleni ezizokukhulisa.
A Brief Biography of Bandile Gumbi
Bandile Gumbi holds a BA Social Science from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Since 2000 she has performed in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town, mainly at poetry clubs and art exhibitions. She is a founding member of 3rd Eye Vision, an artist-administrated interdisciplinary arts organisation based in Durban. Her self-published Pangs of Initiation was recently launched in Durban.
She performed at Poetry Africa 2004. Bandile is currently studying through correspondance for a Masters in Communication for Development through Malmo University, Sweden and since the beginning of 2006, has been working as a freelance events manager based in Johannesburg.