Acting Together (Join the Conversation)

Compiled by Njabulo Ngobese

A collaborative effort between Brandeis University and Theatre Without Borders has resulted in a project that has been in the running for the past six years working towards peacebuilding and performance in art whilst creating venues for artistic and scholarly exchange. This project is called "Acting Together (Join the Conversation)".

"Acting Together On The World Stage" is a feature-length documentary that will be launched this fall by "Acting Together". The documentary will comprise of a toolkit of videos and printed guides to aid educators, practitioners and policy makers. There will also be the first of two volumes of an anthology entitled Acting Together: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict. The screening of the documentary will be on a global scale.

Film and print resources produced by Acting Together are a result of focused conversations and case studies that include highlight artists, peacebuilders and community leaders from every continent. The global outreach of the project streches as far as the aborigional community of Australia to artists holding their governments accountable for crimes in Uganda and the former Yogoslavia.

The art serves as a common factor between global communities that have all undergone similar trials and tribulations when it comes to social injustice. A project of Acting Together's calibre, bridges the gaps between all the cultures of the world and provides them with a platform to speak a common language of peace and righteousness.