Help Somalian Refugees!

Millions have been affected by the instability that Somalia is now facing, with Somalian refugees having to take plight in Kenya and Ethiopia.

To  assist the refugees and make a difference in their lives, click HERE.

Happy Birthday Madiba!!

By Kailene Pillay

18 July, 93 years ago, a distinguished leader, father and friend was born. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in a little village Mvezo located in the district of Umtata. Christened as Rolihlahla at birth, which means "troublemaker", his English name Nelson was given to him by his teacher.
Mandela was the first person in his family to attend school. He furthered his studies at Fort Hare University which is the place he met lifelong friend Oliver Tambo. Later in his life, he studied Bachelor of Laws while in prison.

After the 1948 election, Mandela became actively involved in politics. In this time he also started a law firm with fellow lawyer Oliver Tambo, providing free or low cost legal counsel.
He was committed to non-violence resistence, aka: Satyagraha- influenced by Mahatma Ghandi. Mandela along with 150 others were arrested on 5 December 1956 for treason which later became well known as the Treason Trial.

Mandela has been in and out of prison, Robben Island being the longest where he remained there for 18 of his 27 years in prison. It was in prison that he became known as the most significant black leader in the country.

Friederik Willem de Klerk, President of South Africa at the time, announced the release of Nelson Mandela in February 1990. In that same month, de Klerk reversed the ban on the ANC and other anti-aparthied organisations. Between 1990 and 1994 Mandela led the country to their first multi-racial election.

Mandela was inaugurated as President of South Africa on 10 May1994.

His humanitarian efforts do not go unnoticed. Mandela is a not only a political leader and freedom fighter, but also a human rights activist. He holds dear to him the education of children, the building of schools in rural areas and HIV/AIDS campaigns to name a few. Mandela day is focused on broadening humanitarian work. A particular humanitarian project which is close to Madiba's heart is the Nelson Mandela's Children Fund which started in 1995.

Mandela, known lovingly as 'Tata Madiba' by the people of the world, is one of the greatest, most significant, honest, loyal and hard working men of our time. We celebrate this special day with him by giving our time to the less fortunate. This day is dedicated to do good, just as Tata Madiba has taught us. This day is a hope to inspire people to embrace the values that Mandela shared.

The Art for Humanity team would like to wish Mr Nelson Mandela a very happy 93rd Birthday and our blessings and good wishes upon him, always.

June/July 2011 Newsletter

Art for Humanity: what is art?

AFH defines art as that which is created to inspire all of humanity with freedom of  expression, the quest for excellence, pride, dignity, and respect for individual rights,  reflection and heritage. In this month’s issue:

 Dialogue among Civilizations News
      - Dialogue Among Civilizations Book Launch
      - Dialogue Among Civilizations Exhibition KZNSA Gallery 2011
      - Dialogue Among Civilizations Exhibition Leeds 2011
      - Profile:   Berry Bickle

Women for Children News
      - Gabisile Nkosi Remembered (4 February 1974 - 27 May 2008)
      - Youth Day 16 June 2011
      - “Precious Cargo” by Ernestine White
      - DUT Students view on Youth Day 2011

Break the Silence News
      - 5th SA AIDS Conference - June 2011
      - Art work: Yehoshua Comforting an Aids Victim by Mduduzi Xakaza

 General News
     - ASJ Conference
     - Nelson Mandela Day – 18 July 2011

Click here to see the June/July 2011 Newsletter  
Please remember all comments and letters are welcome.

Warm Regards,
Thireshni Sanasy and Kailene Pillay
AFH Media Team

Paradoxuri ale crestinismului

Marea religie pacifista a lumii.... izvor de iluminare si iubire pentru aproape... Dar hai sa analizam mai indeaproape doctrina crestina si cum o da de fapt in bara in practica...

 Voia Domnului - Desigur, Dumnezeu e Atotputernic si Atostiitor si nu lasa sa aiba loc pe lume decat ceea ce ii serveste scopurilor si ii face placere; si totusi , de-a lungul istoriei, s-au gasit destui lideri religiosi sau politici care sa convinga multimile ca masurile lor radicale indeplinesc voia divina, ca sa nu mai vorbesc de fanaticii de rand care au ucis ceea ce ei considerau abominatii in randul omenirii. Ori, daca totul se intampla dupa voia Domnului, inseamna ca El n-are nici o problema cu paganii, ateii, homosexualii sau orice alte categorii pe care crestinii le blameaza si se simt indreptatiti sa le atace. De asemenea, nici cu adulterul, drogurile , foametea, virusii etc.

Liberul arbitru - Cica Dumnezeu i-a dat omului libertate sa faca orice alegeri, sa decida singur daca sa se indrepte spre Rai sau spre Iad... si totusi , tot filosofii si "parintii" crestini  care au scos-o pe-asta cu libertatea, afirma ca totul e stabilit de la inceputul Creatiei, ca deja din start "s-au separat oile de capre" si ca soarta fiecaruia e pecetluita dinainte de nastere. Pai si-atunci, de ce sa se mai chinuie unii sa faca bine, sa se pocaiasca, daca divinitatea aia milostiva le-a dat ...libertatea de-a merge in Iad?

Crima - A ucide e pacat de moarte; nu si cand te absolva papa sau episcopul de vina, daca te duci si-i omori niste rivali , pardon, dusmani ai Adevaratei credinte...

 Iertarea aproapelui - Da, exact, asa cum au fost iertati si ereticii  si vrajitoarele, toti arsi pe rug si torturati  in Evul Mediu; ca aceia puteau alege sa marturiseasca si sa se pocaiasca... si apoi tot erau arsi, dar cica asa mergeau in Rai ;)

Bunurile materiale - Sa traiesti in saracie, zice Biserica, desi daca ma gandesc bine, singua replica cu adresa la bogatie care ii e atribuita lui  Iisus e aia cu : " mai repede intra o camila prin gaura unui ac decat un bogat in Imparatia Domnului". Pai daca asa stau lucrurile, sa inteleg ca jumatate din cler va ramane pe afara, cu toate averile lor pesonale si manastiresti....
informatie pentru delectare - la catolici treaba cu celibatul preotilor a fost o simpla masura papala pentru ca averile preotilor sa revina Bisericii dupa moartea lor si nu urmasilor; initial preotii  catolici se casatoreau, deoarece se considera asta o initiere, cum inca se intampla la ortodocsi, in taina casatoriei

Stiintele oculte - Astrologia, practicile divinatorii etc sunt ori de la diavol, ori niste "amagiri" , cum afirma chiar Arsenie Boca. Interesant e insa ca printre principalele argumente despre importanta lui Iisus e chiar povestea cu magii, initiati in artele oculte, si care afla din astrologie despre nasterea cea speciala; sa inteleg ca daca astrologia e diavoleasca, magii au fost directionati inspre un , cum ar zice preotii, inselator al oamenilor  ?  

 Doar astea mi-au venit acum in minte, dar  revin oricum , abia am inceput ;)

Despre cum si-a modificat  conceptiile Biserica de-a lungul timpului in functie de interese, mai cititi si aici:

Dialogue Among Civilizations Exhibition in the Mercury

The Mercury published an article on the Dialogue Among Civilizations Exhibition!

Click HERE to read the article

International Flotilla Bound for Gaza

July 2, 2011 -  An international flotilla including some four hundred activists is preparing to depart for Gaza in order to bring much needed supplies and draw attention to the plight of the residents of Gaza and the devastating blockade imposed by the State of Israel.  The U.S. contingent is abroad the Audacity of Hope.