Ethekwini Municipality & Oxfam fund School Banner Workshop September 2010
By Angelica Mannie

During September Art for Humanity will facilitate through art and poetry the learner’s and street children’s responses to Human Rights and Social Justice Education in schools through engaging with the ethical values embedded in art and poetry.
Art for Humanity (AFH) is proud to announce that the EThekwini Municipality with collaboration from Oxfam has generously funded the School Banner Workshop 2010; the money will be used to produce more Women for Children banners to be mounted in schools, and also to run a series of workshops at the specified schools that are aimed at advocating children and women’s rights, all in celebration of heritage month.
The workshops are meant to encourage discussions on the issues of human rights. This is a wonderful opportunity for schools to create a spirit of activism and enlightenment amongst learners regarding children’s rights and welfare as well the voices of women as primary care givers in our society. The project further aims to inspire the values associated with good art and poetry in the learners and viewers, these values includes freedom of expression, creativity, excellence, innovation, pride, dignity and respect for individual rights, and lastly to promote reflection and appreciation of cultural heritage in the learners. It further provides the learners with the opportunity to express their thoughts, hopes and fears regarding HIV/AIDS, Justice, Children’s Rights and Welfare, Gender, Education, Community and Family. The long-term goal of the project is ultimately to equip learners to incorporate these values into their day to day life.
AFH has invited two schools, Zwelibanzi High, Umlazi High and UMTHOMBO Street children shelter to participate in the project this heritage month. The participating institutions have already selected two sets of art and poetry from the collection that they want featured on the banners that are displayed in their respective schools. The learners will participate inthe above mentioned workshops which, unfortunately has now been postponed to a later date as a result of the recent school teachers national strike action and the added pressure of the upcoming final year exams.