Reminder: Apply Now for the 2nd Annual Rainbow Celebration!

From the UC LGBTQ Center:

Are you a graduating senior?  If so, you need to sign up to participate in the 2ndannual Rainbow Celebration.  If not, you need to encourage students who are to participate.

Contact B Carbonara at carbonby@mail.uc.eduor in 565 Steger Student Life Center for an application!
Frequently asked questions:
1)   What is Rainbow Celebration?
·         This ceremony congratulates and celebrates the achievements of LGBT and allyundergraduate seniors and graduate students. It is an opportunity for us to thank you for your contributions to the LGBT community and/or the University of Cincinnati community in general.

2)   Why should I participate?
·         Rainbow Celebrationrewards you for your accomplishments while a student at the University of Cincinnati. It also serves as a formal “goodbye” to the community and Center.  You will be able to serve as an example and inspiration to the University of Cincinnati community, particularly fellow students. 

3)   Who attends Rainbow Celebration?
·         Everyone is welcome! Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are encouraged to attend the ceremony. If you have individuals you would like to invite to watch you participate, simply have them RSVP to carbonby@mail.uc.eduor by Thursday, May 31st, 2012. 

4)   Will I miss my “real” graduation?
·         No, you will not.  Rainbow Celebration is held on Wednesday, June 6th, 2012, before the “real” graduation.

5)   Do I have to be an LGBT leader or extensively involved with LGBT issues?
·         No, you do not.  Rainbow Celebration is held to celebrate all sorts of achievements by LGBT and ally students.

6)   What should I wear to the ceremony?
·         Don’t worry: no caps and gowns for this ceremony!  Most participants in the past have chosen to dress “business casual,” but you are welcome to dress as you wish.